Monday, May 18, 2020

Vulnerability of the Elderly Depicted in the Play, A Cream...

In the play ‘A cream cracker under the settee’ I think the Alan Bennett is trying to convey a message about what old age pensioners are really like and what there thoughts are about modern life. The play was written in 1987 but the concerns of elderly people remain the same. The Play is focused on a woman called Doris. She is in late adulthood, widowed and lives by herself. Doris has no family or friends, she has been given a cleaner called Zulema by the council. Zulema comes once a week to clean Doris’ house. Doris was once married to a man called Wilfred but he died, she often talks to him or at least, his photo, and about him. In my personal opinion, I think Doris finds it easier to talk to Wilfred now he’s gone: as they had†¦show more content†¦Doris doesnt have any neighbours or a phone (because she probably cant afford one) so if she was in trouble and needed help there would be no-body there to help her. Dont know anyone around here now. Dor is doesnt think of herself as an old person as she often refers to old people that smell and need a Zimmer frame, she doesnt realise that she is an old person herself. Doris had a very distant and isolated relationship with Wilfred when he was alive as they never talked about there feelings, when Doris had her miscarriage I think Wilfred was scared of showing emotion. The miscarriage has affected Doris as she says If it had lived, I might have had grandchildren now. Wouldnt have been in this fix.’ when she says this, she is calling the baby it I think she refers to the baby as it because of the midwifes reaction. The midwife said he wasnt fit to be called anything and had we any newspaper. Wilfred says he did (have newspaper)I think he said that because I think he was trying to help and be useful, because I think he thought that, that was the only way to be helpful. I think that as a result of it (the baby) dyeing, led to obsession with cleanliness and hygiene, this makes us feel extremely sympathetic towards Doris because she can’t stop cleaning. Doris is scared of having to go into Stafford House because she thinks everyone is crazy and smells. ‘I dont want to

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